Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010

Let's make Bianca Ware's head explode

Since we've been annoyed and harrassed by Bianca Ware and all her faker accounts, and since she immediately assumes that we're ALL Danneel Harris as soon as we criticize her, let's do something to annoy the hell out of her.

Let's send her messages over twitter all within the timeframe of one hour. I suggest Saturday, 23th January, 7 p.m GMT (2 p.m. EST) For more information on time zones go to GMT Time Zones

Her twitter account is @biancaware90210

I also suggest we all send her the same or similar messages such as: "You're a liar and a fraud! Leave Danneel and the true fans of Jensen alone!" (I would recommend not sinking to her level and calling her names just this time)

In order to get many people to do this but without her knowing about it in advance, forward this link via e-mail or DM if possible. If you think she probably won't read your tweets then tweet it openly.

If you have any questions or suggestions use the comments.

Let's do this!


EDIT: Sorry, just changed the comments preferences. Now anonymous comments are allowed as well.

EDIT 2: Also changed the bit about using only DM because this way we can reach more people.

1 Kommentar:

  1. LOL yes she does seem to be more than a bit misguided LOL yeah I am being nice. I will pass the link.
